
The Last Of The Departed

In the struggle for the Caucasus between czarist Russia and Circassians all the Adygs and Ubykhs and more than half the Abkhazians migrated across the Black Sea. The Ubykhs with their ancient history and culture ceased to exist. The old Ubykh is plagued by the question, "Could it have been otherwise? "And this is also the concern of the author, Bagrat Shinkuba, who finds the answer in the Abkhazian proverb: He who loses his home land loses all.

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كتاب تاريخ الأديغة القديم история адыхейского народа

المؤلف: شورا بكمرزا نوغمو. المترجم: شوكت المفتي حبجوقه. عدد الصفحات: 204 سنة النشر: 1953 باللغة العربية و الطبعة الأساسية باللغ...